2.6 函式
# Function is a group of related statements that perform a specific task. def function_name(parameters): statement(s)
- def
- marks the start of function header.
- function name
- to uniquely identify it.
- parameters
- through which we pass values to a function. (optional)
- colon (:)
- to mark the end of function header.
- return statement
- to return a value from the function. (optional)
定義一個簡單的Define, Call Function
# define function without parameters def greet(): print("Hello!") # call function greet() # Hello!
# define function with parameter def greet(name): print("Hello", name + ", nice to meet you.") greet("Felix") # Hello Felix, nice to meet you.
定義一個具有回傳值的函式 Return Statement
# One def add_two_nums(arg1, arg2): sum = arg1 + arg2 return sum # call function result = add_two_nums(10, 20) print(result) # 30
# constructs a tuple and returns this to the caller def square(x,y): return x*x, y*y result = square(2,3) print(result) # (4,9)
# "unwrap" the tuple into the variables directly by specifying the same number of variables def square(x,y): return x*x, y*y res_x, res_y = square(2,3) print(res_x) # 4 print(res_y) # 9
匿名函式 Anonymous Function - Lambda
# Lambda functions can have only one expression. # The expression is evaluated and returned. double = lambda x: x * 2 print(double(5)) # 10 # is nearly the same as def double(x): return x * 2
# Lambda functions can have any number of arguments double = lambda x, y: x * 2 + y print(double(5,2)) # 12 # is nearly the same as def double(x, y): return x * 2 + y
Global, Local variables
# global x = "global" def foo(): y = x + "_variable" print(y) foo() # global_variable
# local def foo(): z = "local" # NameError: name 'z' is not defined print(z)
Q1. 請寫出一個函式,將列表中的數字相乘。 Sample List : [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] Expected Result : 120
def myFunction(list): tot=1 for num in list: tot*=num return tot print(myFunction([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]))
Q2. 請寫一個函式,輸入一字串,返回反轉全部字元的字串。 a_func("test") Expected Result : "tset"
def a_func(str): reverseStr="" for char in range(len(str)-1,-1,-1): reverseStr+=str[char] return reverseStr print(a_func('test'))
def a_func(x): return x[::-1] print(a_func('test'))
a_func=lambda x: x[::-1] print(a_func('test'))
Q3. 請寫一個函式把裡面的字串,每個單字本體做反轉,但是單字的順序不變。 (Optional) a_func("it is a test string") Expected Result : "ti si a tset gnirts"
def a_func(str): arr=str[::-1].split(' ') return (' ').join(arr[::-1]) print(a_func('it is a test string'))